Join our 8-week shared experience. Our process is Inspired by 8 years of training MBCT teachers. MBCT is a powerful, evidence-based therapy that combines mindfulness meditation with cognitive techniques to help you break free from negative thought patterns, soothe stress, and cultivate a more balanced, aware, and compassionate relationship with your mind.
Each week you’ll experience different micro activities and meditations designed to get you - and keep you - practicing mindfulness.
Kick off your journey by discovering simple techniques to make meditation effortless. Work with a teacher to overcome any initial challenges. Learn the neuroscience behind mindfulness, experience its benefits firsthand, and start building a habit you'll love. Plus, start our accountability process for extra support.
Learn a proven 3-minute destressing technique that you can use any time, anywhere, when you need to destress. Join our live sessions and learn grounding techniques that go beyond the breath for your meditation practice. Go deeper into your habit formation with our 'habit makers' and 'habit breakers' session as you continue to build your habit!
Tap into tranquillity with body-focused meditations to help soothe anxiety. Learn the one aspect science says is key to effectively managing stress -and how it manifests in meditation and beyond. Collectively explore any challenges you’ve encountered with your meditation and receive expert guidance on how to overcome them.
Learn about NATs and how they can provoke negative thinking patterns - and what you can do about them. Experience expansive ‘air’ meditations that help you observe thoughts and get to know how your mind works. Learn ways you can use your commutes and on-the-go moments to destress. Start using gentle movement as part of your meditation to make it easier to settle.
Unlock advanced techniques for sharper mental clarity. Start learning to meditate without any guidance - means meditating with an app, a recording or any technology.
Enhance your practice with trauma-informed meditations that empower you to handle challenges and stress in the moment. Learn CBT techniques to stay balanced in your daily life.
Add compassion to your practice to further build resilience and confidence. Research shows self-compassion boosts well-being + confidence, reduces stress and anxiety, supports physical health, and strengthens relationships—leading to a happier life overall.
Cultivate bliss and balance with elemental practice to spark inspiration, insights, and creativity. Weave together all the wisdom you've gained so far!
Keep the momentum going. Join our (free for course participants) weekly live sessions to keep your meditation habit going and growing!
Meet your teacher
Hi there! I'm Monty, and I'm excited to be your guide on this journey. I started my mindfulness practice 16 years ago when I faced a tough time after my dad passed away unexpectedly. I felt lost and overwhelmed, and I wanted to try something different. There weren't any apps back then!
Start your journey
Our next course starts on April 26th